McIntosh MX 113

Solid State Tuner Preamplifier w/ Walnut wood case

All pre-owned product is tested in our service department and have been passed for sale... and comes with a 90 day warranty! 

Our techs have installed all new caps, new bulbs and cleaned all the controls.

In nice condition! Areas of paint loss on right side and top. (which are NOT visable when the wood case in on)

Back of wood cabinet has a few small dings.

Original box and packing are NOT available, and because of the glass front, this is LOCAL SALE ONLY. Pix w/ white backgrounds are stock.  Last image are the specs. Manufactured 1971 - 1980


McIntosh originated the Tuner-Preamplifier unit concept and the MX 113 / MX 115 are the most advanced versions of this remarkable FM/FM Stereo AM Preamplifier with switch­able selectivity. They have performance beyond any other man­ufacturer's equipment available when this was produced. Their basic concept accommodates all regular inputs of tuner, phono, tape etc., and allows you to select the power amplifier you need for your system.

Multiple 'selectivity' switchable by diodes on a DC basis from the front panel. An elegant solution to a tough problem.

Linear Phase (constant delay) IF amplifier for low distor­tion at even high selectivity.

Staggered tuning condenser elements to improve RF front end behavior, less interstage coupling, lower spurious effects, higher Q circuits.

Tremendous accommodation of strong RF input signals up to 10 volts without overload - overcoming an aggravat­ing limitation of conventional tuners.

Highest spurious rejection 90 dB IHF and highest image rejection 95 dB (88 to 108 MHz). This means you don't receive the same stations or a mixture of them as you tune across the dial where they are not supposed to be.

Ultra Sonic 'muting' provides smooth inter channel FM noise suppression.

Has test points TP1 and TP2 for connection to McIntosh Maximum Performance Indicator MPI 4 for the sophisti­cated listener.

McIntosh developed a special detecting circuit used in the multiplex section. An advantage of this circuit is the elim­ination of the critical adjustments necessary with com­monly used matrixing circuits.

The circuit detects the L-R side bands, then automatically matrix's the recovered information with the L +R carrier signal. This yields the left and right program output with maximum separation.

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